Dropdown not working in version 6

  •  05-12-2007, 2:21 PM

    Dropdown not working in version 6

    I in the process of moving to  CuteEditorVer 6 for asp.net.
    In Ver 5.3 i have a dropdownlist that inserts text directly in to the Editor, this works quite well.
    In version 6  the dropdown appears but the text is not inserted into the Editor. code below

    DropDownList dropdown = new DropDownList();


    dropdown.Attributes["onchange"] = "PasteHTML(this)";

    //must set this css name

    dropdown.CssClass = "normal";

    //I bind to a DataTable

    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

    function PasteHTML(select)



    // get the cute editor instance

    var edrEmail = document.getElementById('<%=edrEmail.ClientID%>');

    var sel =select.value;

    var f =  sel + "#";



    Is there a differance in the way the selected item from the dropdown is inserted in Version 6? Please advise
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