Re: Typing delay with new version 6

  •  05-10-2007, 1:14 PM

    Re: Typing delay with new version 6

    Here are my last observations :
    1. My Web application is a complex web application with alot of JavaScript and a lot of HTML tags in the MAIN TOP window.  The application dynamically create new IFRAMES where it loads for exemle your simple page with only your HTML Editor in it.
    2. When i use this page inside my application i have the typing delay problem.
    3. If i take the URL but opens it in a seperate Explorer Window, it works fine.
    4. So i tried creating another page with only a button that opens a new window ( with the imple page in it.  If i click on the button from the page inside my application it is still slow.... if i open it in another window, it is OK.
    5. So i did a last test, i opened the editor from a inside my application and of course it ran slow and i had the problem.  I just closed my main application window and it started working fine in the same window.
    6. You may say that the problem is my application but 5.3 was running perfecly and 6 works fine in FireFox !
    So my question is :
    Is it possible that on every keystroke, you fire a javascript function that scans not only all tags inside the current document but also the tags in the window.opener ???  And if so, why are you doing that ??
    If not, then i am wondwring... is it possible that you play with timers like document.setTimeout or .setInterval because i am using one in my mains aplication to update an iframe every minute...  maybe we have a conflict there ???
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