Typing delay with new version 6

  •  05-09-2007, 11:31 AM

    Typing delay with new version 6

    We have a ASP.NET 1.1 application that use to run CuteEditor 5.3 for a while and we just tried to replace it with version 6.   But we are experiencing huge typing delays.  If you press the keys to type a word loke "Hello" it takes about 5 seconds by letter to display after you press the key.  It looks like a client side javascript delay.  Of course your forum and your demo is working fine so there is something relatied to the way we are using it that causes the problem but only starting with version 6.  Other weard point, we only experience it with IE7, it works fine in FireFox 2.0
    Any idees of where we can look for ?
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