Font size getting halved when saving to RTF

  •  05-07-2007, 3:07 PM

    Font size getting halved when saving to RTF


    In version 6.0 of CuteEdit the font size seems to be reduced to half of the specified size when converting to RTF.

    I have developers evaluating the trial version and this seems like a pretty glaring issue when converting to RTF.

    I can even demonstrate this on the CuteEditor site on the HTML to RTF page.  Type in some text, change the font size using the dropdown on the toolbar.  Check out the HTML - looks good, Check out the RTF - any font manually set is 1/2 of the specified size (36pt is 18pt, 12pt is 6pt, etc.)  The "Default Font" at the "Default size" is fine. 

    Also RTF files opened in CuteEditor have the font tags halved when saving, so the original RTF has a font size of 12pt, I convert it to HTML to edit in CuteEditor (the font tags are correct in the HTML, everything is the right size) I save it back to RTF, the fonts are 1/2 the size.

    Anyone else notice this? Got any advice?

    Thanks in advance!

    - Gregory

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