Re: Resizing problem with Cutchat and problems with ReloadUI() method (in IM_MainForm.aspx)

  •  05-07-2007, 12:13 PM

    Re: Resizing problem with Cutchat and problems with ReloadUI() method (in IM_MainForm.aspx)

    Hi Adam
    Unfortunately, we cannot move CuteChat outside a frame. it would be too costly to rebuild the entire structure of our webapplication, which has taken more than two years be develloped.
    We have already tried to run CuteChat in embedded mode, resizing behaviour is no different. Also playing with the table header has had no effect. As i said the width resizes correctly, the height however, only resizes when the width is resized as well. I think this is the reason why this behaviour goes unnoticed in most CuteChat applications. However,  in our application it happens to be common that the heigt is changed whereas the width keeps its size.  Workarrounds resizing the frame using javascript to trigger a resize had some unwanted sideeffects (that were different on every browser :-(  So, we really hope you can help us.
    Thanks in advance
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