Decreasing load by top on search and chat lines

  •  05-05-2007, 12:15 PM

    Decreasing load by top on search and chat lines

    We are trying to decrease the load on our server which gets hammer'd when about 1000 users get on the messenger at the same time which respectively effects the embedded plain chat module. A few thing that we had in mind was to minimize all search options. One of the search is the Web Messenger add contact page, can you specify what stored proc or function is working behind that page.
    Can we some how limit the lines of chat shown on a embedded Chat module, not sure on how the functionality work but if i log into plain chat and leave the window open with a dozen ppl chatting, the chat starts scrolling up. Fair enough but after half an hour if i scroll up i can see the whole chat for the half hour which would be 1000 lines ... would it be effective if we somehow showed only last 100 lines to the user. If yes then how can we achive that.
    If there are other points where anyone might think we can take the load of the chat please do let me know. We are using the latest version of CuteChat and CuteIM and its integrated with DNN 4.4
    Thanks for all the help
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