Large font sizes and <font> tag

  •  05-04-2007, 8:27 PM

    Large font sizes and <font> tag


    I need to get fonts ranging from 6pt up to 72pt in my cute editor. However, by default it uses the <font> tag which only goes from 1-7 and doesn't cover my size range. How can I achieve the desired set of sizes.

    I've come across this other post at which talks about hacking the _FORMAT function in WinIE.js. However when I browse to this file I only get one long line of code with things such as the following

    "case OxO52d8[0x132]:case OxO52d8[0x131]:case OxO52d8[0x108]:case Ox"

    I split tidied the code up but it was still full of the hex stuff and there was no _FORMAT function to be found :(

    Any help greatly appreciated,

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