Re: Bug with un-editable/selectable tags.

  •  12-07-2004, 10:06 AM

    Re: Bug with un-editable/selectable tags.

    Hi Adam,
    Your last reply doesn't solve the issue.  The issue is the following.  In Design View (WYSWYG), when you drag a portion of the page that is editable/selectable and drop it into a section that has been set to uneditable/unselectable it allows the content to be dropped into the non-editable regions.
    This breaks the concept of having regions that are uneditable/unselectable as you can add subchildren by dragging content into the uneditable areas.
    Let me know what your thoughts are on this issue...i'm not sure it will be an easy one to implement, but I think it is a very important feature as most CMS solutions will be using templates (which are set to unselectable/uneditable)... and it is useless if users can simply drag and drop content into template which is supposed to be off-limits.
    maybe a simple check can be performed which ensures that the parent container does not have uneditable=on defined...if it does...simply paste the content back where it came from...otherwise it is ok to drop it in the new location.
    Oh, also can you move this thread to the CuteEditor 4.0 area since that is where it belongs?

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