building a linktree dosent work in v6.0

  •  04-23-2007, 8:53 AM

    building a linktree dosent work in v6.0

    In version 5.3 I was using the following code to build a linktree:

    private void PopulateCuteEditorLinks()
            CuteEditor.ToolControl toolctrl = ceContent.ToolControls["LinkTree"];
            if (toolctrl != null)
                CuteEditor.RichDropDownList dropdown = (CuteEditor.RichDropDownList)toolctrl.Control;
                dropdown.Items.Add("page1", "");
                dropdown.Items.Add("page2", "");
                dropdown.Items.Add("page3", "");
                dropdown.Items.Add("page4", "");

    Why dosent this work anymore? Is it a bug?

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