Cute Chat markets ... that this tool is an easy tool and minutes to set up

  •  04-20-2007, 11:15 PM

    Cute Chat markets ... that this tool is an easy tool and minutes to set up

    I downloaded the standalone version.   
    We have an existing portal.
    Existing database.
    Existing web.config.
    I ran the scipt.
    Since I have an existing .. database ... web.config ...
    Cute Chat software should work with no problem right?
    I'm using Visual Studio 2005
    I went to    CuteLiveSupport/Framework%202.0%20Web/default.aspx
    It doesn't work....
    When I look through the folders ... there are 2-3 web.configs
    One in Framework 2.0   ( which I renamed it ... so that it doesn't work - Since we already have one .. under wwwroot )
    The one in  Framework 1.0 ... I renamed it  ....  "    "
    And another web.congfig on the ....  Admin  folder ...
    I clicked on LIVE chat ... and talked to ( Karen ).. and she was .. it was odd .. she was not user friendly...
    I still have questions on how to get this to work..
    1.   Why all the different web.config files.
    2.   If we already have ... a database ..  existing web.config
       Why do we need another connection string ....
       Karen gave me an example ...
    Karen : <add key="ConnectionString" value="server=;database=CutePortal;uid=test;pwd=test"/>
       When I added a comment within my existing web.config ....    I had an  ( add key ) error
    I am a little .. confused here....   If you read through the product information..  Cute Chat advertise that this tool is easy to install ... in minutes ...  But yet there are over 1,000  comments .. questions ... issues on the forum.....
    This is the error ... when I run   default.aspx
    A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces; 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection' is a type not a namespace

    Keep in my existing portal works fine ..... application with one database ... it works fine.
    Thank you in advance for feedback
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