Suggestion for user interface enhancement.

  •  12-04-2004, 5:02 AM

    Suggestion for user interface enhancement.

    Hi Guys,
    I had an email from one of my clients today saying that he can't upload a file using the upload function when he clicks on 'downloadable files'. He said that he could browse for the file but when he clicked upload nothing happened. I had a look and it turns out that all is fine - basically he thought it wasn't working because there is no indication to the user that anything is happening and he wasn't patient enough to wait for the upload to complete.
    Basically would it be possible to insert a bit of javascript to say 'file uploading...' when the upload button is clicked.
    An even better  solution would be a progress bar - this is quite tricky - but I've seen it done without using any kind of horrible java or ActiveX. One method is to use an IFrame that contains output from an aspx page that returns a progress bar rendered as html based on the size of the file on disk. This page is repeatedly polled by using the meta refresh tag.
    Basically I think that the user needs some indication at least that something is happening or they will think it's broken.
    I hope this is helpful to you - V4 is looking good , I'm liking it
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