6.0 is changing the case of some image URL's

  •  04-12-2007, 10:11 AM

    6.0 is changing the case of some image URL's

    I am seeing in 6.0 if I have an image such as
    <img style="width: 374px; height: 348px" alt="" src=http://hp.msn.com/c/hotmail/en-US.gif />
    Sometimes when I save it it will change the case to lowercase as
    <img style="width: 374px; height: 348px" alt="" src=http://hp.msn.com/c/hotmail/en-us.gif />
    This will cause the image to not show up for servers that are case sensitive.  Is there a way to only turn off the case conversion for URL's in 6.0?
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