Supporting system and user templates... is it possible?

  •  03-27-2007, 7:36 PM

    Supporting system and user templates... is it possible?

    I would like to support two separate template sources - the system templates and the user's templates.  For user templates, the user would have full control (move, copy, delete, upload), but for the system templates, no move/copy/delete or upload.  The system templates would be in a different folder from the user templates.  This would require two buttons:  insert system template (a custom button), and insert template (the standard button).
    However, here is where I lose it.  Is there a way for a custom button to access the insert template function, and force it to not allow modifications to the selected system template folder - using the available functionality of the editor?  My only alternative plan is to put the system templates into a db, but this disallows the user to browse them with the insert dialog (they would have to select from drop-down lists, and then I would put the template HTML into the editor text property on page load).
    There are numerous drawbacks to the db approach, which is why I am asking if there is another way...
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