Access is denied JavaScript Error

  •  03-21-2007, 11:44 AM

    Access is denied JavaScript Error

    I was moments away from purchasing Cute Editor for .NET yesterday.  I'd deployed a new version of my application, which incorporated CE 5.03, to a test area on my server so that others at my company could begin testing it.  If all went well, I was ready to buy it.
    Unfortunately, all did not go well.  My deployed application does not work. (It works fine on my development machine, BTW, just not on my Web server.)  The page containing CE loads, CE itself loads, but it's inactive.  I receive a JavaScript error stating:
    Line: 2
    Char: 110572
    Error: Access is denied
    Code: 0
    URL: https://[My Domain]/[My Application]/[My Page].aspx
    I have since spent (wasted) a number of hours searching through this forum's past postings to see if anyone else has had this problem.  While quite a few have, none of the solutions offered have fixed the problem for me.
    I'd like to buy this product, and use it in my application.  But I can't if it doesn't work.
    FWIW, my application loads CE on an .aspx page within an IFRAME on a parent page.  Each page loads a .js file, the first line of which is:
    document.domain = [My Domain];
    I saw in this forum that there might be a problem with this, but saw nothing that resolved it.
    What is the problem, and how do I resolve it?
    Like I said, I'd really like to buy this product, but I'm not going to if I can't make it work.
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