Still confused here.
and i want the editor to be placed between hello and world it aint possible in this setup... i CANT do something like this:
string = "hello " & editor.Draw() & " world" |
You can do that. But you need to create the editor object first.
Dim editor
Set editor = New CuteEditor
editor.ID = "Editor1"
editor.Text = "Your text here"
'editor.FilesPath = "CuteEditor_Files"
'editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/Uploads"
'editor.MaxImageSize = 50
'editor.AutoConfigure = "Simple"
'editor.Template= "Bold,Italic,Underline"
'editor.StyleSheetPath = "/grey2.css"
'editor.Width = 740
'editor.Height = 240
'Is that what you are trying to do??
Response.Write editor.Draw() & "Hello World" |