Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

  •  11-30-2004, 10:35 PM

    Re: The area you are attempting to access is forbidden.

    Ok, just to clarify what I have:
    The default directory we use for images, media, and flash is set for /games and not /uploads.  Our games directory holds over 2,000 subdirectories where images and movies are stored. 

    For example, this is one of our directories:  /games/2677/10.jpg.  And we have thumbnails for those at:  /games/2677/thumbs/10.jpg
    Now I checked both the virtual directory permissions, and the hard directory permissions.  I have probably OVER opened the directories just to get past this issue and have read and write virtual permissions checked in IIS. 
    Can I remove this code from the browse_img.asp or browse_media.asp files?
    "If InStr(Lcase(ImageGalleryPath),Lcase(trim(Session("ImageGalleryPath")))) <= 0 or Session("ImageGalleryPath") ="" then
     Response.Write "The area you are attempting to access is forbidden" 
    End If"
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