default “link add” form options

  •  03-05-2007, 12:00 PM

    default “link add” form options

     I’m trying to make default http:// on “link add” form (tag_a.aspx ) so dropdown should be disabled and default protocol should popup in URL textbox (on your add link form) as “http:// “ I tried to set value of  “url” input to “http:// “ somehow did not work. Then I tried

    <select id="sel_protocol" disabled onload="sel_protocol_change()">

                                                                <option value="http://">http://</option>

                                                                <option value="https://">https://</option>

                                                                <option value="ftp://">ftp://</option>

                                                                <option value="news://">news://</option>

                                                                <option value="mailto:">mailto:</option>

                                                                <!-- last one : if move this to front , change the script too -->

                                                                <option value="others">[[Other]]</option>

                                                                <option selected value="http://">http://</option>

     Did not work. How would I do that?
    In FireFox disabled does not work at all.
    Also when I'm tring to
    <asp:Image Visible="false"
    it does not work in FF as well.
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