Anchors Away! I concur - anchors are problematic

  •  02-26-2007, 6:59 PM

    Anchors Away! I concur - anchors are problematic

    My users are pulling there hair out with Anchors. The div's, where the cursor gets placed and reformatting to xhtml on submission seem to each have something to do with this...Will provide test scenario as I get it...
    Latest version
    OK It's Firefox that has the issues with anchors. IE works fine. With Firefox my content get's blown away.
    Take this content I submitted in the editor with IE 7 browser and cut out of html view::
    html in txt file - grab it from view source of browser 
    Pate into demo editor using html view on firefox
    Add some text to bottom of page and then add an achor called "testlink" placed at the beginning of the added text
    At the top of the page create a link to the new anchor
    Check the box to see anchors
    >> new anchor does not appear in list when checkbox for reviewing anchors is clicked
    Uncheck box
    Type in your anchor name "#testlink"
    >>content does not appear and anchor does not work

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