.NET 2.0 conversion wizard runs even though I'm opening in VS 2005?

  •  02-18-2007, 10:54 AM

    .NET 2.0 conversion wizard runs even though I'm opening in VS 2005?

    Adam, looks like a great product, but I have yet to get it working.

    I am running VS 2005 and opening from the Framework 2.0 Web folder. VS is asking me to convert it because it says it was created in an earlier version.

    The weird thing is, I opened it last night, though there were some issues getting the chat to work. Overnight windows update ran and may have changed some settings in visual studio, as it appears to have made changes to other applications I was running.

    I have tried opening from the file system, and opening from local IIS. Both tell me I have to convert to the format used by this version. I follow the conversion wizard and get the following errors...

    Solution: Framework 2.0 Web

    Filename Status Errors Warnings
    Framework 2.0 Web.sln No Conversion Required 0 0
    Conversion Issues - Framework 2.0 Web.sln:
    The solution file does not require conversion.

    Project: SamplePortal.csproj

    Filename Status Errors Warnings
    SamplePortal.csproj:(Error List)
    1 0
    Conversion Issues - SamplePortal.csproj:(Error List):
    ERROR: Unable to parse project file SamplePortal.csproj.

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