Getting the "text" in the control, less HTML tags...

  •  01-30-2004, 11:58 AM

    Getting the "text" in the control, less HTML tags...

    How can I get the text in the control without all of the HTML generated by the control? I know....why would I want to right? Well I run this control in the IBuySpy Portal and a couple of our custom modules build abstracts out of content in the database during searches. As an abstract may only return the first 100 characters of the database content with a link to the full content. However, if the first 100 characters say...contains a beginning table HTML tag, but doesn't include the closing tag...we get malformed HTML in the Portal. I had been using FreeTextBox and it had a HTMLStrippedText property we could pull the text from...will CuteEditor have this option in the future...or can it be had now?
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