HTML Editor Modifies Code when switching to Normal mode

  •  02-08-2007, 3:31 PM

    HTML Editor Modifies Code when switching to Normal mode

    We use the Cute Editor to compose HTML email messages. In order to create a message that will display appropriately in multiple email clients (Including the new Outlook 2007), the structure of the HTML must be very basic with SHORT lines of code, no CSS, limited span tags, no DIVs, etc.
    However, the HTML editor has a bad habit of rearranging our code so that it does not render correctly on on the email clients. What settings can we change to keep the editor from making ANY changes to our code?
    Specifically, the last problem I had was that I had five lines of code that made up a series of five links within a table. It worked fine until I put it in the editor which then stripped out the line returns and made these lines into one line of 2078 characters. This is too long for many email clients to process so then my font information was stripped out by the email clients.
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