Re: Pasting issue and background color.

  •  02-01-2007, 8:13 AM

    Re: Pasting issue and background color.

    Some follow up info.

    Here is my code:
    txtMessage.EditorOnPaste = CuteEditor.PasteBehavior.PasteText;
                txtMessage.ShowBottomBar = false;
                txtMessage.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.AutoConfigure.Minimal;
                txtMessage.BackColor = Color.FromA#d1dcff;
                txtMessage.ForeColor = Color.FromA#d1dcff;
                txtMessage.AllowPasteHtml = false;
                txtMessage.FilesPath = "../../CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor";
                txtMessage.BorderColor = Color.Transparent;
                txtMessage.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

    But you can see what I'm seeing when I paste, why am I getting this pop up on FireFox. Is there a way to disable this pop up window.  I don't get it in IE, it just paste the text into the box after I click yes to allow pasting.


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