Re: Version 6.0 ??

  •  01-25-2007, 9:06 AM

    Re: Version 6.0 ??

    Ok, since I'm not on the development team and have no real say with them, this won't help much, but, for what its worth, here's my opinion:
    The changes to make the ASP version the same as the .NET version would require quite a bit of code.  I understand your reasoning for it and agree completely with you as well as other reasons that would make the software more manageable.  I don't, however, believe their programmers care to take the time to make this happen.  Writing a simple right-click menu in ASP & Javascript is a much more complicated process than writing one in ASP.NET.  Unfortunately, I doubt they wish to take this plunge.  However, if they receive enough requests for such features, I could be quite wrong.
    I wish to post here, for the CuteSoft staff to see, that I completely agree with making the .NET and ASP versions function exactly the same.  This would save both time (in training) and money (obviously, only in the long run, but if you make a more uniform product, you always cut costs).
    Just a thought...
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