Problem with .text property

  •  01-13-2007, 5:01 PM

    Problem with .text property

    I'm using Cute Editor to let people edit posts in their blogs. When they want to edit a post, I load the Edit page and put their post into CuteEditor like this:
    Editor1.Text = strMessage
    After they have typed their changes, I then want to save the new text, which I do with a call to a stored proc in my SQL db. The proc needs receive the new text. So I then say
    strMessage = Editor1.Text
    and send strMessage to the proc.
    Since this was not working, I stepped through the code and found that when referring to Editor1.Text in the second part, the .Text property only contains the text that was originally loaded in Part 1 (!!).
    Any idea why this is happening and what I could do to get around it?


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