I am having trouble getting the Css drop down functioning. I have put a path in for the .css file below and I was presuming the asp would run through the class names i this file? I also saw some other info in regards to common.config file that could be edited but that sounds more like the .net version.
Any help appreciated.
Dim editor
Set editor = New CuteEditor
editor.ID = "ArticleName"
editor.Text = rsArticleToEdit("ArticleName")
editor.FilesPath = "/CuteEditor_Files"
editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/newsadmin/Uploads/Images"
editor.maxImageSize = 300
editor.DocumentPath = "/newsadmin/Uploads/Documents"
editor.maxDocumentSize = 2500
editor.MediaPath = "/newsadmin/Uploads/Media"
editor.maxMediaSize = 700
editor.FlashPath = "/newsadmin/Uploads/Flash"
editor.maxImageSize = 300
editor.AutoConfigure = "None"
editor.EditorBodyStyle = "font:normal 12px arial;"
'editor.AutoConfigure = "EnableAll"
'editor.Template= "Bold,Italic,Underline"
editor.Width = 740
editor.Height = 50
editor.EditorWysiwygModeCss = "/newsadmin/generic.css"