FireFox 1.5 and IE 7.0 Problems

  •  01-02-2007, 11:35 PM

    FireFox 1.5 and IE 7.0 Problems

    My pages look correct in IE 6.0 but incorrect in FireFox 1.5 and IE 7.0.  I'm using version 5.2 right now.
    You can compare the difference of pages at this link in both browsers...
    The big problem is the box formatting - the text goes outside of the box.  Can this be fixed?  Do I need to upgrade to 5.3 for the problem to be solved?  Do I have to wait for v.6 to be released.
    I have this at the top of my page  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    Does this need changed?
    Thanks for your help.
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