need help implementing editor

  •  12-26-2006, 1:32 PM

    need help implementing editor

    all the help files and forum posts i've read are about the editor itself.  I'm trying to find information on how to implement this software into an existing website. 
    I have some pages with text and graphics that i want the allowed user to be able to edit by clicking on a link or button that will display the editor with that content inside.  Then they would edit accordingly, save and exit and it would close the editor and return to the web page with the new content.
      I've read that this is handled with <textarea> controls on the web page to be edited.  I'm confused as to how that textarea is linked to the editor and how the editor is open from that page. 
    is this possible with this software?
    This is the same problem i'm experiencing with all of the WYSIWYG editors for website content.
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