Re: Localization: Strange behaviour when combining Toolbar.add and Template

  •  01-20-2004, 8:57 AM

    Re: Localization: Strange behaviour when combining Toolbar.add and Template

    The problem in my second post, has been resolved. As you  suspected, a previous version of the sattelite assemblies was loaded.


    The correct sattelite assemblies are now loaded, but my initial problem still haunt me.

    As you can see, the tooltip shown is in English. All buttons tooltip are in english in the first toolbar line (modaldialogs are norwegian). Then my tree custom buttons are displayed (last tree buttons on the first line).

    The second toolbar line are then displayed in norwegian.


    Some of my code are listed below. First I set the Culture property, then add all buttons for line 1 using toolbal.add, including my tree custom buttons. Then the rest of the buttons for line 2 are added using .template.


    rtbIngress.Culture = "no";









    rtbIngress.Template = "paragraphDropDown,fontDropDown,sizeDropDown,Bold,Italic";



    Any thoughts?  (I'm sure I got norwegian text all over before I upgraded CuteEditor...)


    Regards, Thomas

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