Re: Changing default values for insert table

  •  10-13-2006, 9:46 PM

    Re: Changing default values for insert table

    Yep... I figured that much out for myself...
    In fact I went a bit further and set the default width to 95%, which is where I like to start these days. To do that, I had to change the width part to read "width:95\x25"
    But I would really like to change the default number of rows to 1 and leave the number of cols at 2.
    The problem is that looking at the code in Insert_Table.asp, I see this:
        <td width="25%"><%= GetString("Rows")%>:&nbsp;&nbsp;
         <select id="rows" style="WIDTH:80px" onChange="rowchange()" NAME="rows">
           <option value="1" selected>1</option>
    But where I think that should be rendered, it shows that "2" rows are selected, not "1" ...
    Obviously, not all is as it seems!
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