Change image gallery path by user

  •  10-04-2006, 6:31 PM

    Change image gallery path by user

    I am trying to change the image gallery path by user, we have a need to keep the images seperated by users so that a different dll can use them. The code is below:
    CuteEditor.Editor editor1 = (CuteEditor.Editor)(FormView1.FindControl("MyAnswerTextBox"));
    editor1.SetSecurityImageGalleryPath =
    @"C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\app1\Users\" + UserName + @"\MyPics";
    I receive the following error:
    Compiler Error Message: CS1656: Cannot assign to 'SetSecurityImageGalleryPath' because it is a 'method group'
    The cuteeditor sits in a formview template, so how do I get this to work?
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