Re: Browsers

  •  11-05-2004, 5:40 AM

    Re: Browsers

    I've designed a website for the general public wich uses the CuteEditor. But the general public does not only use IE. We have several users with Netscape, Mozilla, Opera and FireFox.

    I understand that when someone is using Netscape Navigator 4.7.1 or some lame-ass version like that, the Editor won't work. But Netscape 7.2 is not exactly what I would call a down-level browser.
    Opera 7.54 even states in it's request headers that the User-Agent is MSIE 6.0 compatible:
    User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) Opera 7.54
    Is it possible to make it work with other browsers than IE? If there is a problem with figureing out how-to then I would like to offer my services to help fix the problem.
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