Cute Chat Send & Receive Functionality

  •  11-04-2004, 1:51 PM

    Cute Chat Send & Receive Functionality

    I have studied the Code of CuteChat

    In the  "ChatUI_IE.ascx"  user control  there is a Code like
    <%@ Import Namespace="CuteChat" %>
                                            "<div id=Messages>"
                                                     <!-- messages wil be inserted here --><%InitializeMessage%>
    and the Send button
    I want to ask, <%InitializeMessage%> is a SERVER SIDE Code, then how it is called in a loop and the messages are comming to my page continously.Since this is a server side code it is executed when the page is loading, and complete when the page is loaded.
    Similarly, the Code for the button send is also a server Side Code, what is an event associated with the send button, i.e which code is executed when we press the Send button, and send the msg to server.
    From Er.Arshvinder Sing Sehmi.
    Member of .NET Users Group Chandigarh.
    ThE eNeMy Of mY eNeMy Is My FrIeNd.
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