Text.length inaccurate

  •  09-24-2006, 7:10 AM

    Text.length inaccurate

    Before saving the text contents of a Cute Editor instance to database, I put a test for length in the dot-net vb code....


    ...What I'm finding is that this returns a value wildly larger than the length of the text assigned to the database field, or the contents of the editor HTML window. As an example, with the CuteEditor HTML window displaying....

    That's right, I'm a mouse!!!!!<img src="http://cutesoft.net/test/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/images/face6.gif" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>

    ...[CuteEditorID].text.length returns a value of 758. Why is this?

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