Re: max file sizes

  •  09-19-2006, 4:42 PM

    Re: max file sizes

           ...*sigh*... What I want is help setting the limits in Cute Editor's config so I don't bust through the 4 meg limit: That is, I've created a new security config XML file, set MaxMediaSize to 4000, referenced it in my page instance of Cute Editor, and MaxMediaSize is unaffected (it still shows 9.7 megs in the upload window, which I'm assuming is 10000). Other config changes I've made there (allowable filenames, allowable media types, etc.) are making it through, but not that.
           If you need me to copy in the parts of the XML, or the instance of the Cute Editor in my HTML, I'll be happy to.
           I'm finding that not all configs seem to work intuitively....for instance, booleans (true/false) work for turning off menu items, but the ShowBottomBar requires a string - "True" or "False" in quotes (that really messed with my head for a bit).

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