Content Too Editable

  •  09-18-2006, 8:23 AM

    Content Too Editable

       I recently purchased a copy of Cute Editor for ASP, and I noticed that
    * the editor places contenteditable="true" in the body tag, and saves it that way.  this means that, even using your online demo, when i browse to the document you use for your Edit Static HTML Example, that tag causes my IE 6.0 browser to consider the page editable, which allows me to add/modify/delete content on that page (no ability to save of course), and makes changes to the way the page looks.  i think it adds a border on tables or something like that, i'm not sure, but it clearly impacts a tightly designed web page.   it also messes with context menus, etc. (insert [things you wouldn't want on a public site])
    * the editor places <base href="[editor page url]"> in the head tag, and saves it that way. 
    Is there some setting that will make this behavior change?   Am I missing something obvious?  I love the simplicity of being able to load a file, edit it, and save it in so few lines of code, but these are show stoppers for me. 
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