Re: create multiple versions of uploaded images

  •  09-14-2006, 3:37 AM

    Re: create multiple versions of uploaded images

    Thanks for replying Adam.
    What I need is programmatic access so that I can generate x versions of the uploaded file, eg 640x480, 320x240 etc.

    What I intend to do is allow the correspondents submit articles to the page, and when they insert an image, I want to intercept the image insertion, resize it into several sizes, then return the path of the uploaded image to the CuteEditor as ‘320x240/image.jpg’

    If I can control the returned path to the editor, I can also automatically wrap a hyperlink around each image to show an enlarged version of it, so what I’d like to return is something like this:

    <a href=”enlarge.aspx?imageid=1234”>
    <img src=”320x240/1234.jpg” width=”320” height=”240”/>

    I could then use a micro thumbnail [64x48] as an icon for each article when they are listed on our articles index page.

    Another advantage of being able to have programmatic access to the image uploading page is that I’d be able to add the names of all the images for a given article to the database, so that when an article is deleted, I can delete the images associated with it.

    Is there any way I can override that page or the methods it uses? I’ve had a look and they all seem obfuscated/compressed :(
    Thanks for your help
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