Sent the account information as requested.
I just wanted to send a quick update on the status and issues on my site so you have the most current information.
1. When logged in I can go to the Chat Admin screen and it displays correctly. I can access all the pages. When I do an update it seems the update works (changes get saved in the database) but throws and error when displaying the page. I get teh custom error web page.
2. When logged in and I try to access one of the chat icons it throws and exception and displays the custom error page.
3. When not logged in I can click on one of the chat icons and it will load the caht client ok. I do get anonymous users not allowed pop up but this is correct since I have anonymous access turned off.
4. Not sure if this is related to the problem but I have never been able to get the "Next time automatically sign me in" to work. When I don't use the site for a little while and I come back I have to sign in again. This works correctly on your site. Your site always remembers who I am. Not sure this is related to my chat problem but I would love to figure this out.