ASP 5.2 vs. ASP.Net 5.3 & upcomig 6.0

  •  09-07-2006, 12:37 PM

    ASP 5.2 vs. ASP.Net 5.3 & upcomig 6.0

    I've noticed the current version of ASP 5.2 and ASP.Net 5.3 are drastically different via right click menus, double clicking of objects, and even the dialog windows that open.
    I'm trying to determine if CuteSoft will continue building the legacy ASP version alongside the .Net version or was 5.3 the determining point of moving forward with .Net and the ASP version will slowly be phased out?
    Along with that question in another post for .Net, 6.0 version is slated for end of Sept. Does this mean their will be a ASP 6.0 version as well or something comparable?
    I only our product at this time requires us to utilize both ASP & .Net.
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