Problems with Resizing CuteChat Contact list

  •  09-07-2006, 7:29 AM

    Problems with Resizing CuteChat Contact list

    Hi all
    We have integrated the latest CuteChat (version 3.1 for .NET 2.0) in our existing application and therefore had to adapt the look and feel quite a bit. Now it all works well except that there is a problem when resizing the frame in which we have placed the adapted CuteChat contact list.
    The Contact list should fill the frame in which it is placed. However this does not always work. When the size of the frame is changed horizontaly the size is adapted properly, but if the change is only horizontaly nothing happens.
    When looking at the html code with a DomViewer Tool, then inside the frame i find a table whose opening tag is looks like this:
    <TABLE class=OurCustomInstantMainPanel FullPageWindow HtmlWindow HtmlParentControl HtmlComplexControl HtmlControl Object>
                      <DIV class="InstantMenuControl HtmlMenuControl HtmlComplexControl HtmlControl Object>
                      <DIV class="InstantSigninPanel HtmlPanel HtmlParentControl HtmlComplexControl HtmlControl Object>
                      <DIV class="OurCustomInstantMyStatus HtmlSource HtmlControl Object>
                      <DIV class="OurCustomMainContent HtmlPanel HtmlParentControl HtmlomplexControl HtmlControl Object>      
    As you see we have changed three components in the corresponding xml file CHATUI_IMMain.xml :  
                   -     OurCustomInstantMainPanel
                   -    OurCustomInstantMyStatus
                   -    OurCustomMainContent
    I believe there is a java script action that sets the size dynamicly, but somehow it only works if the change  in size is horizontaly (of the frame in which the html code is displayed). However ive found no clue. What has to be done to make the CuteChat content fill the frame when resizing it vertically. 
    Ive already lost several ours on this and im kind of desperate. I would apreciate any help.
    Thanks in advance and greetings.
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