Configuring the Toolbar

  •  01-17-2004, 12:41 PM

    Configuring the Toolbar

    I'm trying to configure the toolbar like my old RichTextBox was so as to inconvenience clients that are used to the current layout, but am having several problems...


    1) I have a custom Save button being as there's not one that's a part of the RichTextBox. It would be nice to be able to assign a name to it and then use the TemplateItems property to configure the sequence of control. I know you've already address this and are aware of this 'issue'.


    2) But before adding my custom button I'm trying to get as much of the layout in sequence and it doesn't appear that the Paragraph drop down list is exposed such that I can add it. There's a StylesDropDownListr, but not a ParagraphsDropDownList.


    3) So I've set up my configuration as follows:

    ed.Template = "styleDropDown,paragraphDropDown,fontDropDown,sizeDropDown,FontColor,HighLight,Break," +

    "Bold,Italic,Underline,Subscript,Superscript,Strikethrough,Separator,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyFull,JustifyNone,Separator,InsertOrderedList,InsertUnorderedList,Outdent,Indent,Separator,Cut,Copy,Paste,PasteText,PasteWord,Delete,Separator,Undo,Redo,Separator,Link,UnLink,Hr,Print,Help,Break," +



    but the LinksDropDown and CodeSnippetDropDown appear on a separate fourth line that isn't even in sequence with what I've got here... i.e. the table stuff is followed by the Emotion, Time, and Date buttons and then a new line appears with the Links and Code Snippets. I feel like I don't control my toolbar!?


    4) Finally, I don't really understand the point of G_Start and G_End. I understand that they're group start and end fields, but why should I care?


    - Thanks, Alan

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