Re: Fatal error in Paging - InsertGallery

  •  08-31-2006, 4:28 AM

    Re: Fatal error in Paging - InsertGallery

    Yes, I have tried that. In an earlier release it works fine even without CustomFileProvider.dll! So I don't think this file makes a different. I use the dll included in the zip. I have not compiled my own CustomFileProvider.dll.
    Our current production relase works fine, but the new release which runs in our develpment- and test enviroment doesn't work, and we will soon deploy a new production release, but this error stops us from doing that. We can't see any differences in the settings between the diffent environments.
    I send the whole content of the modified SqlFileStorage.cs file. Maybe that you can see some suspicious things in the file.
    namespace CustomFileProvider.SqlSample
     using System;
     using System.Collections;
     using System.IO;
     using System.Data;
     using System.Data.SqlClient;
     using System.Web;
     using System.Text;
     using CustomFileProvider.SqlSample;
     using KMD.OA.Infrastruktur;
     public class SqlFileStorage : CuteEditor.Impl.FileStorage
     //public class SqlFileStorage : NormalPage
      /// <summary>
      /// Connection String
      /// </summary>
      public string ConnectionString= KMD.OA.Util.General.GetEnvironmentKey("CS_OA6001");
      HttpContext c;
      SqlConnection conn;
      CuteEditor.EditorSetting setting;
      /// <summary>
      /// the aspx page whose sole responsibility is to display a specific image
      /// </summary>
      string downfile;
      public SqlFileStorage(HttpContext context):base(context)
       //set the downloadfile RUL
       conn=new SqlConnection();
      //EnterQuery , make sure the connection is open
      #region protected IDisposable EnterQuery()
      protected IDisposable EnterQuery()
        Disposer d=new Disposer();
        return d;
       return new Disposer();
      class Disposer : IDisposable
       public SqlFileStorage fs;
       public void Dispose()
      public void ExecuteNonQuery(string commandtext,params object[] args)
      static public void SetParameter(SqlParameterCollection pcoll,string pname,object obj)
       if(pcoll==null)throw(new ArgumentNullException("pcoll"));
       if(obj is string)
       else if(obj is byte[])
        byte[] bs=(byte[])obj;
       else if(obj is SqlParameter)
        SqlParameter sp=(SqlParameter)obj;
        pcoll.Add(new SqlParameter(pname,sp.SqlDbType,sp.Size,sp.Direction,true,sp.Precision,sp.Scale,sp.SourceColumn,sp.SourceVersion,sp.Value));
       else if(obj is DateTime)
        pcoll.Add(pname,SqlDbType.NVarChar,50).Value=((DateTime)obj).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")+"."+((DateTime)obj).Millisecond.ToString().PadLeft(3,'0');
      //get the id of an item
      protected int GetItemId(string path)
       int intSkoleId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["SkoleId"]);
       int intBrugerId = General.UserPersonId();
       StringBuilder strSQL = new StringBuilder();
       strSQL.Append("select id from Websidefil where path='");
       strSQL.Append("' and Fk_Institution_Id=");
       //Er det ikke en fælles mappe kan samme filnavn forekomme flere gange - dog kun 1 gang pr. bruger
       if (path.StartsWith("/Skolen") == false)
        strSQL.Append(" and Fk_Owner_Id=");
        //using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select id from Websidefil where path={0} and Fk_Owner_Id=" + intBrugerId + " and Fk_Institution_Id={2}",path))
        using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader(strSQL.ToString(),path))
          return reader.GetInt32(0);
       return 0;
      //get the path of an item
      protected string GetItemPath(int id)
        using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select path from Websidefil where id={0}",id))
          return reader.GetString(0);
       return null;
      public override CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem[] GetDirectoryItems(string dirpath,bool getcount)
       ArrayList arr=new ArrayList();
        using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select * from Websidefil where isdir=1 and parentpath={0} order by path ",dirpath))
          CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem item=new CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem();
         foreach(CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem item in arr)
          using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select count(*) from Websidefil where parentpath={0}",item.Path))
       return (CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem[])arr.ToArray(typeof(CuteEditor.Impl.DirectoryItem));
      public override CuteEditor.Impl.FileItem[] GetFileItems(string dirpath, string searchpattern)
       int intSkoleId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["SkoleId"]);
       if (intSkoleId < 1)
        return null;
       int intBrugerId = General.UserPersonId();
       StringBuilder strSQL = new StringBuilder();
       switch (dirpath)
        case "/":
         strSQL.Append("select id,path,createdt,filename,filesize from Websidefil where isdir=0 and parentpath={0} and path like {1} and Fk_Institution_Id = ");
         strSQL.Append(" order by path ");
        case "/Skolens":
         strSQL.Append("select id,path,createdt,filename,filesize from Websidefil where isdir=0 and parentpath={0} and path like {1} and Fk_Institution_Id = ");
         strSQL.Append(" order by path ");
        case "/Mine":
         strSQL.Append("select id,path,createdt,filename,filesize from Websidefil where isdir=0 and parentpath={0} and path like {1} and Fk_Institution_Id = ");
         strSQL.Append(" and Fk_Owner_Id = ");
         strSQL.Append(" order by path ");
         strSQL.Append("select id,path,createdt,filename,filesize from Websidefil where isdir=0 and parentpath={0} and path like {1} and Fk_Institution_Id = ");
         strSQL.Append(" order by path ");

       ArrayList arr=new ArrayList();
        using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader(strSQL.ToString(),dirpath,searchpattern))
        //using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select id,path,createdt,filename,filesize from Websidefil where isdir=0 and parentpath={0} and path like {1} order by path ",dirpath,searchpattern))
          CuteEditor.Impl.FileItem item=new CuteEditor.Impl.FileItem();
       return (CuteEditor.Impl.FileItem[])arr.ToArray(typeof(CuteEditor.Impl.FileItem));
      /// <summary>
      /// Get the display path of the dirpath
      /// </summary>
      public override string GetDirectoryText(string dirpath)
       return dirpath;
      /// <summary>
      /// GetDirectorySize
      /// </summary>
      /// <param name="dirpath"></param>
      /// <returns></returns>
      public override double GetDirectorySize(string dirpath)
       return 0;
      public override string GetParentDirectory(string dirpath)
        return null;
        return Path.GetDirectoryName(dirpath);
        throw(new Exception(dirpath));
      private string GetFileDirectory(string filepath)
       return Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath);
      public override string GetFileName(string filepath)
       return Path.GetFileName(filepath);
      public override byte[] GetFileData(string filepath)
        using(SqlDataReader reader=ExecuteReader("select filedata from Websidefil where path={0}",filepath))
          return (byte[])reader[0];
       return null;
      public override string CreateFile(string dirpath, string filename, byte[] filedata)
       int intSkoleId = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["SkoleId"]);
       if (intSkoleId < 1)
        return "";
       int intBrugerId = General.UserPersonId();
       string newpath=Path.Combine(dirpath,filename).Replace(@"\","/");
         //throw(new Exception("Du skal udpege en mappe"));
         return "abc";
    //    Dette tjek er ikke nødvendigt, da mulige mapper er oprettet i databasen og kun kan vælges/udpeges
    //    if(dirpath!="/")
    //    {
    //     int dirid=GetItemId(dirpath);
    //     if(dirid==0)throw(new Exception("path '"+dirpath+"' ikke fundet"));
    //    }
        int fileid=GetItemId(newpath);
         //Der udføres ikke opdatering af filer
         throw(new DuplicateNameException("Der findes allerede en fil i denne mappe med samme navn!"));
         //ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set createdt={1},filesize={2},filedata={3} where id={0}",fileid,DateTime.Now,filedata.Length,filedata);
         ExecuteNonQuery("insert into Websidefil (path,isdir,parentpath,createdt,filename,filesize,filedata,Fk_Owner_Id,Fk_Institution_Id) values ({0},0,{1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7})"
        return newpath;
      public override string CreateDirectory(string dirpath, string dirname)
       string newpath=Path.Combine(dirpath,dirname).Replace(@"\","/");
         int dirid=GetItemId(dirpath);
         if(dirid==0)throw(new Exception("path '"+dirpath+"' not found"));
         ExecuteNonQuery("insert into Websidefil (path,isdir,parentpath) values ({0},1,{1})",newpath,dirpath);
        return newpath;
      public override void DeleteDirectory(string dirpath)
        ExecuteNonQuery("delete from Websidefil where path={0}",dirpath);
        ExecuteNonQuery("delete from Websidefil where path like {0}+'/%'",dirpath);
      public override void DeleteFile(string filepath)
        ExecuteNonQuery("delete from Websidefil where isdir=0 and path={0}",filepath);
      public override string RenameDirectory(string dirpath, string name)
       string dir=GetFileDirectory(dirpath);
       string newpath=Path.Combine(dir,name).Replace(@"\","/");
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={0} where path={1}",newpath,dirpath);
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={0}+right(path,len(path)-{2}) , parentpath={0}+right(parentpath,len(parentpath)-{2}) where path like {1}+'/%'",newpath,dirpath,dirpath.Length);
       return newpath;
      public override string RenameFile(string filepath, string name)
       string dir=GetFileDirectory(filepath);
       string newpath=Path.Combine(dir,name).Replace(@"\","/");
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={0} where path={1}",newpath,filepath);
       return newpath;

      public override string MoveDirectory(string dirpath, string targetdir)
       string name=Path.GetFileName(dirpath);
       string newpath=Path.Combine(targetdir,name).Replace(@"\","/");
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={0} ,parentpath={2} where path={1}",newpath,dirpath,targetdir);
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={0}+right(path,len(path)-{2}) , parentpath={0}+right(parentpath,len(parentpath)-{2}) where path like {1}+'/%'",newpath,dirpath,dirpath.Length);
       return newpath;
      public override string MoveFile(string filepath, string targetdir)
       string newfilepath=targetdir.TrimEnd('/')+"/"+GetFileName(filepath);
        ExecuteNonQuery("update Websidefil set path={2} , parentpath={1} where path={0}",filepath,targetdir,newfilepath);
       return newfilepath;
      public override string CopyDirectory(string dirpath, string targetdir)
        throw(new NotImplementedException());
      public override string CopyFile(string filepath, string targetdir)
        throw(new NotImplementedException());
      string root="/";
      public override string VirtualRoot
        return root;
         throw(new ArgumentNullException("VirtualRoot"));
         throw(new ArgumentException("Stien skal pege på roden"));
      private string CalcPath(string path, string relpath)
        return path;
         throw(new Exception("Den absolutte sti må ikke indeholde '..'"));
         return relpath;
        //Et lille hack, som er indført for at håndtere den fejl der opstår i Editoren
        //hvis brugeren trykker på mappe ikonet ud for mappens navn.
        if(relpath.Length > 8)
         string strReturn = "";
         string[] strArr = relpath.Split('/');
         if (relpath.EndsWith("/Skolens"))
          strReturn = "/Skolens";
         if (relpath.EndsWith("/Mine"))
          strReturn = "/Mine";
         if (strArr.Length > 2)
          if (strArr[strArr.Length-2] == "Skolens")
           strReturn = "/Skolens/" + strArr[strArr.Length-1];
          if (strArr[strArr.Length-2] == "Mine")
           strReturn = "/Mine/" + strArr[strArr.Length-1];
         return strReturn;
        return relpath.TrimEnd('/');
       foreach(string str in relpath.Split(@"/\".ToCharArray()))
         int pos=-1;
        return "/";
       return path.Replace("//","/");
      public override string GetFileUrl(string filepath)
       return downfile+"?fileid="+GetItemId(filepath);
      public override string TranslateTargetDirectory(string dirpath, string relpath)
        return (VirtualRoot+relpath).Replace("//","/");
       return CalcPath(dirpath,relpath);
      //execute the reader , commandtext is formatted by string.Format
      #region SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string commandtext,params object[] args)

      SqlDataReader ExecuteReader(string commandtext,params object[] args)
       int len=args==null?0:args.Length;
       SqlCommand cmd=new SqlCommand(commandtext,conn);
       object[] argnames=new object[len];
       SqlParameterCollection ps=cmd.Parameters;
       for(int i=0;i<len;i++)
        object val=argsIdea;
        string pname="@cdq_"+i;
        if(val is DateTime)
       return cmd.ExecuteReader();
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