Re: Updating info to existing pages

  •  10-22-2004, 2:59 PM

    Re: Updating info to existing pages

    So is there a code that I can implement to do that?

    I thought that was what this code was doing.
     Is this done purely with ASP, or is there some VBScripting involved?
    Could you help me understand the code above, and what it does so that I can try to addapt it to what I need, please.
    I am hoping that you can help me:
    You wanted answers to these questions and I've provided them.
    1. What you are trying to do?
    2. what's database structure?
    3. Which page is used to display the content?
    4. Which page is used to edit/input the content?
    5. If you want to edit the existing record, how the record is pass to the edit page?

    After you finish the above general ASP questions,  I will explain how the CuteEditor is plugged in.
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