Re: bugs in cute messenger

  •  08-16-2006, 5:32 AM

    Re: bugs in cute messenger

    I second the request from Oliver: I just installed CuteMessenger 3.1 Standalone on our testserver and I am not able to invite other contacts to an existing chat.

    In the help file you write the following:

    Sending and Receiving Instant Messages

    Invite others into a room

    You might want to invite others into a room. To receive your invitation, the people you are inviting must be online.

    To invite others into a chat room:

    1. In the conversation window, click the Block Invite button.
    2. Select the people you want to add to this conversation, and click OK. (You can select more than one people).

    What do I have to do to enable the invite button? Did I overlook a setting on the config page or is this feature not available anymore in 3.1?

    Thanks in advance,


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