Re: Replace inline "style" attribute with "class" attribute/CSS?

  •  08-08-2006, 9:20 AM

    Re: Replace inline "style" attribute with "class" attribute/CSS?

    Thanks for the prompt reply, but that's not what I'm talking about...
    Sorry, I guess I was still not being clear enough.
    Some of the standard buttons (e.g. the highlighter) are generating HTML that uses inline 'style' attributes.
    For example, the 'Highlight' button generates '<font style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow">'.  Flash doesn't "understand"/support those.  How do I go about changing that button (and some others that generate, by default, inline 'style' attributes) to generate 'class' attributes instead, with the class defined as a correspondent CSS (<style> tag)?  I'm thinking this is not possible/supported, partly because there is no "place" in the API to store those <style> tag values (i.e. you'd have to do something like this:  '<style>.highlighter{BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow;}</style><font class="highlighter">'), but I just wanted to make sure I'm not missing something.
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