Re: Using CuteEditor as a Simple TextBox Form Field

  •  07-28-2006, 3:44 PM

    Re: Using CuteEditor as a Simple TextBox Form Field

    Thanks for the reply Adam.  That gets me there partially.  It shows me how to limit the size and remove return key functionality.
    Am I also to assume then that to solve some of my other questions...
     - I can use the attachevent and detachevent javascript to attach an event for onblur?
     - I can write a javascript function to keep checking the available space in the textbox so I can add another row?
     (not sure how to check available space left, but I'll give it a shot)
    I am still lost on how to perform the following...
     - Make the CE box look identical to a normal textbox
     - Tie in an Ajax control to do a postback for the CE control (I understand how to tie in the javascript, but to tie in the callback portion of it is a little fuzzy)
    Thanks again for your help
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