Re: Integrating CuteChat problem with global.asax

  •  07-19-2006, 4:53 PM

    Re: Integrating CuteChat problem with global.asax

    Ok, solved this problem. The solution was to find a way not to just open the project in vs.
    Now, I can login to admin area.
    I have set up the connection string, and that works.
    However, just to test, I have tried to fill up the userlist by maually add users in Global.asax:

    ArrayList names = new ArrayList();
    return (string[])names.ToArray(typeof(string));

    This I have done in  ListUserUniqueName and SearchUserUniqueNameByDisplayName. In GetDisplayName and getuniquename, I put return "bareAre";
    When I access http://localhost:2127/Dating/CuteChat/CH_MainForm.aspx (there isn´t any default.aspx, and the manual doesn´t mention this, so I just assume that is my startfile). The chat opens and displays The connection to the chat server is lost: Invalid connection.
    The userlist is empty, and (Unknown) is displayed above the userlist.
    What can I do to fix this? I seem very close to the target, I now want to get something up and running since I have struggeled with this for a long time.
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