Re: Integration with our user database so nickname dialog does not appear.

  •  07-02-2006, 5:22 PM

    Re: Integration with our user database so nickname dialog does not appear.

    Ok I am still confused.  I have download the V3 integration package and see all the routines in the global file.  I still do not userstand how to pass to you the username and display name.  I have my own .net application that has forms authentication.  Once they log in they see a set of chats rooms they can enter.  When they select one I pass them to your chat engine as shown below.  In this context how do I pass the other information (ie that they are authenticated and their display name).
    Here is how I am calling your the chat engine.  Eval("LobbyID").ToString() produces the Lobby ID for the specify class they link to.
    navigateurl='<%# "" & Eval("LobbyID").ToString()
    THANKS for your help!
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