Re: Strange bugg

  •  06-30-2006, 9:07 AM

    Re: Strange bugg

     it01daniels wrote:

    I'm using cute editor for publishing articles. In the article there is usually an advertisment containing javascript. This works just fine on my local computer, but when i publish cuteeditor removes my javascript.

    I have set the property editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false;

    This is the article(without the real url):
    <!------- Start of AD Tag - Javascript Format , size : 300x250 ------>
    <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="300" height="250">
            <td valign="top" border="0" width="300" height="250">
                <script language="JavaScript">
                        var adlink_randomnumber=Math.floor(Math.random()*10000000000);
                    document.write('<scr'+'ipt language="JavaScript" src="http://THELINK/mpu300x250;sz=300x250;ord='+adlink_randomnumber+'?"><\/scr'+'ipt>');
                    <a href="http://THELINK/mpu300x250;sz=300x250;ord=1234567890?" target="_blank">
                        <img src="http://THELINK/mpu300x250;sz=300x250;ord=1234567890?" border="0" width="300" height="250">
    <!-- End of AD ADJ Tag - Javascript Format, size : 300x250 -->

    This is whats left of it
    <!------- Start of Ad'LINK ADJ Tag - Javascript Format , size : 300x250 ------>
                    <table height=250 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=300 border=0>
                                <td vAlign=top width=300 height=250 border="0"><noscript>
                                <a href="http://THELINK/mpu300x250;sz=300x250;ord=1234567890?" target="_blank">
                                <img src="http://THELINK/mpu300x250;sz=300x250;ord=1234567890?" border="0" width="300" height="250">
                    <!-- End of Ad'LINK ADJ Tag - Javascript Format, size : 300x250 -->


    As I sad before i have set editor.EnableStripScriptTags = false; but it does not work!

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