Unanswered questions

  •  06-29-2006, 4:49 AM

    Unanswered questions

    I have posted a couple of questions this week, relevant to issues with Cute Editor or adapting Cute Editor to my client's needs.

    I am concerned that neither of these questions have been answered.
    Suggestions have been offered as solutions to my issues, but these have not been directly relevant to the question asked.
    In the absence of comprehensive documentation and real world, working examples with code, this forum could be a great asset to purchasers/potential purchasers of Cute Editor. However, if posts are not answered, it is not an asset, it is another source of frustration.

    Could I request that the examples shown on the website, such as http://www.cutesoft.net/example/howto.aspx actually show the code. It's all very well having separate links for C# and VB, but what's the point if the code isn't displayed? All we see is a web page that looks no different whether you click the C# or VB link.

    Could I also ask that more attention is given to the wording of questions asked on this forum and more relevant answers are given by CuteSoft staff.

    Thank you.
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