Re: Parser Error - Adding a new page to the project

  •  06-07-2006, 12:36 PM

    Re: Parser Error - Adding a new page to the project

    Can somebody please help... am I talking to myself here?

    Okay, so somehow its working locally (file system) but not on IIS (remote server).  I'll deal with that later.

    But how do you add a user to your buddy list?
    What function returns the UserID based on a unique name and vice versa?

    I tried this:
        Dim myUserName = "MyUniqueName"
        Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
            Dim usrMe As CuteChatUser = ChatApi.GetUser(myUserName)
            lblWelcome.Text = "Welcome, "
            lblWelcome.Text &= usrMe.DisplayName & ". "
            lblWelcome.Text &= vbCr & "UserID: " & usrMe.UserId
        End Sub

    If you purchase the web messenger does it come with more documentation?  The current documentation doesn't seem like enough...

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